Make360, people receive around 5,000 visits a day, of which they only process 10%. In this intoxication (information overload), the challenge for brands is to stay present and differentiate themselves from the competition. According to the company, 571 new brands are created in the world every minute.

We want companies to have the opportunity to captivate their audience through non-intrusive advertising, “says San Román.” That is why we decided that smart mirrors were in places where they spent more time looking at them, the gym, and in turn in common. Places like the machinery area, dressing rooms, reception “.

In this first stage of the launch, these mirrors were develop with Ad Mirror technology, transmit images or videos in specific periods, with a 15-second pause for each ad to avoid saturation. While they are primarily commercials for the 30+ brands they work with, people can also view the gym’s internal information and instructions for proper exercise.

It’s a good strategy, “says Mario Alberto Nava, a marketing specialist and professor at the Escuela Bancaria y Comercial.” When anything is distracting, placing the ad practically on your face becomes attractive and even easy to appreciate. Be careful that they are not so long because no matter how much it is necessary to look in the mirror, people get tired and leave” triotechdigital